Number of Volumes 7
Number of Issues 13
Number of Articles 71
Number of Contributors 176
Article View 41,571
PDF Download 28,985
View Per Article 585.51
PDF Download Per Article 408.24
Number of Submissions 276
Rejected Submissions 157
Reject Rate 57
Accepted Submissions 72
Acceptance Rate 26
Time to Accept (Days) 252
Number of Indexing Databases 7
Number of Reviewers 471


The Journal of Computer and Knowledge Engineering is founded by the Department of Computer Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. The journal materials are available both online and in printed form. The manuscripts should not be published before nor be under review by any other journals. The authors are welcome to upload their articles in either PDF or doc file format using the journal’s website. Accepted papers will be formatted by the governing body of the journal to comply with its standards. All submitted papers are double-blind peer-reviewed by at least two different reviewers. The journal is very vigilant against any kind of plagiarism and all papers will be checked to make sure all aspects of intellectual property rights are respected. Until the Journals own guidelines on this subject is developed it will use “ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism” policies. This Journal is a member of the International Committee on Publication Ethics  (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the law on preventing and dealing with fraud in scientific works. 

All published articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Under this license, users are free to share, copy, and redistribute papers in any medium or format. They can also adapt, remix, transform, and build upon papers for any purpose, even commercially. It is worth mentioning that the full text of all content is available for free and open access immediately on the journal’s website.

Last site Update: 5 April 2024

Current Issue: Volume 7, Issue 1 - Serial Number 13, May 2024 

ENIXMA: ENsemble of EXplainable Methods for detecting network Attack

Pages 1-8


seyed mojtaba abtahi; Hossein Rahmani; Milad allahgholi; Sajjad alizadeh fard

A hybrid content and context-based method for sarcasm detection

Pages 49-58


Zahra Keivanlou-Shahrestanaki; Mohsen Kahani; Fattane Zarrinkalam

Publication Information


Editor-in-Chief Director-in-Charge Executive Director
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Online ISSN

Indexing and Abstracting

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