About Journal

Computer and Knowledge Engineering

Computer and Knowledge Engineering (CKE) founded by the Department of Computer Engineering at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. It is a high-quality journal in English that recently completed its assessment period and has been elevated to the "Scientific-Research" level by the Ministry of Science, Research, and Technology of Iran. CKE welcomes original research contributions from all areas of computer science/engineering and their applications, especially in computer algorithms, programming languages, software engineering, hardware engineering, artificial intelligence, wired and wireless networking, as well as security and privacy. The journal benefits from a highly esteemed international editorial board, indicating our strong commitment to international submissions. CKE is a peer-reviewed open-access journal, and accepted papers are immediately accessible. The website is continuously updated to reflect newly published papers. We appreciate your original research papers that advance the field of computer science and its applications, thereby improving the quality of life.

CKE is published twice a year since 2018 and is available both online and in printed form. Manuscripts that have not been previously published and are not under review by other journals are encouraged for submission. Authors are welcome to upload their articles in either PDF or DOC file format using the journal's website. Accepted papers will be formatted by the journal's governing body to comply with its standards. All submitted papers undergo double-blind peer review by at least two different reviewers to assure the quality of the publication.

Paper Plagiarism Checker

The journal is vigilant against plagiarism, and all papers will be checked to ensure the respect of intellectual property rights. Until the journal develops its own guidelines on this subject, it will adhere to the "ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism" policies. iThenticate is utilized to avoid plagiarism and verify the authenticity of the manuscripts we receive.


Open Access Policy

CKE is an open access, meaning that all of its content is readily accessible to users and their institutions without any fees or delays. Users are not required to register in order to read the articles, and they have the freedom to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link to, crawl for indexing purposes, use as data for software, or utilize the articles for any legal purpose, without seeking permission from either the publisher or the author.

The journal's objective is to foster a wider global exchange of knowledge by providing immediate open access to research, recognizing that making research freely available to the public is beneficial.


- Copyright on any open access article in The journal of Computer and Knowledge Engineering (CKE),  published by Ferdowsi University of Mashhad is retained by the author(s).
- Authors grant Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Press a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher.
- Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its integrity is maintained and its original authors, citation details, and publisher are identified.

The journal is fully compliant with open access mandates, by publishing its articles under creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.

Website Archiving

All of our electronic content, including the Journal's website and manuscripts, is archived in two different ways. Firstly, the PDF format of the journal's content is accessible online to readers from our main server. Secondly, a copy of all content is kept as a backup on another server. In case of any problem in receiving content , it can be made available online again within 24-36 hours from our backup server. Moreover, every published issue of the journal is sent to the following databases: [Internet Archive, Iran Scientific Journals System]. Therefore, the content can be accessed at any time even in the absence of website operation.

Abstracting/Indexing Services

The main information and the abstract of all the manuscripts has been published in this journal, indexed in different databases. The list of these databases has been mentioned in the 'Indexing and Abstracting' section.


Authors can archive the final published version of their articles in personal or institutional repositories, after their article’s publication.


Privacy Statement

The Names and Email addresses entered in this journal’s website will be used exclusively for the purposes of publishing the Journal and will not be available to any other person or organization

Charge of submission and publication (APC)

The Journal does not receive any charge for initial review, review and publication from authors.

Discount Policy for Publishing Articles

There is no submission fee, publication fee or any other page charge for the articles submitted to this journal.

Other revenue

Ferdowsi University of Mashhad as the publisher of the journal, supports it for each published issue by paying a defined budget according to its published annual rank in Portal of Scientific Journals of Iranian Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The allocated budget includes those pertaining to setup and maintenance of the publication infrastructure, routine operation of the Journal, processing of manuscripts through peer-reviews, editing, publishing, maintaining the scholarly record, and archiving.

The other financial source of this journal is fees paid by authors whose articles have been accepted for publishing. Revenue sources do not influence on editorial decision making.


This Journal does not accept any advertising.

Direct marketing

There are no direct marketing activities in this journal.