Due to the increasing deployment of vehicles in human societies and the necessity for smart traffic control, anomaly detection is among the various tasks widely employed in traffic monitoring. As the issue of urban traffic and their relative smart monitoring systems have gained popularity among researchers in recent years, there exist several studies in this regard. In most of these studies, classification is performed based on the behavior of drivers, where a set of default trajectories are used in order to learn the system and classify the related data. However, two under-studied challenges are the lack of access to sufficient data to provide an efficient model, along with the lack of access to anomaly data that covers all possible abnormal trajectories. While the former challenge can be tackled through long-term data recording, the latter requires appropriate considerations. To this aim, we have utilized a combination of optimized convolutional neural network and fuzzy neural network classifiers, along with autoencoding neural networks. The final combination occurs at the decision level. First, the CNN-ANFIS classifier assigns the input trajectory to one of the predefined categories. Then, the trained autoencoder networks examine the result in order to find whether the trajectory is normal or abnormal. Obtaining 87.5% accuracy on QMUL and 99.5% on the T15 datasets confirms the superior performance of the proposed method.
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Banifakhr, M. and Sadeghi, M. T. (2021). Anomaly Detection in Traffic Trajectories Using a Combination of Fuzzy, Deep Convolutional and Autoencoder Networks. Computer and Knowledge Engineering, 4(2), 1-10. doi: 10.22067/cke.2021.71379.1018
Banifakhr, M. , and Sadeghi, M. T. . "Anomaly Detection in Traffic Trajectories Using a Combination of Fuzzy, Deep Convolutional and Autoencoder Networks", Computer and Knowledge Engineering, 4, 2, 2021, 1-10. doi: 10.22067/cke.2021.71379.1018
Banifakhr, M., Sadeghi, M. T. (2021). 'Anomaly Detection in Traffic Trajectories Using a Combination of Fuzzy, Deep Convolutional and Autoencoder Networks', Computer and Knowledge Engineering, 4(2), pp. 1-10. doi: 10.22067/cke.2021.71379.1018
M. Banifakhr and M. T. Sadeghi, "Anomaly Detection in Traffic Trajectories Using a Combination of Fuzzy, Deep Convolutional and Autoencoder Networks," Computer and Knowledge Engineering, 4 2 (2021): 1-10, doi: 10.22067/cke.2021.71379.1018
Banifakhr, M., Sadeghi, M. T. Anomaly Detection in Traffic Trajectories Using a Combination of Fuzzy, Deep Convolutional and Autoencoder Networks. Computer and Knowledge Engineering, 2021; 4(2): 1-10. doi: 10.22067/cke.2021.71379.1018
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